Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder

What is Tokenization and Is It Right for Your Investment Strategy?

Tokenization helps democratize the investment process by enabling investors to own fractional shares of assets that otherwise have high barriers and extended lock-up periods. But if the prospect of including digital assets in an investment strategy makes some traditional investors uncomfortable because they associate blockchain-based assets with often volatile cryptocurrencies, they should know that the two asset classes are very different.

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Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder

Recent Report Confirms Steady Growth in Palm Beach County

Florida is now the third most populous state in the U.S. primarily because 350,000 to 375,000 people move there each year. This population boom has impacted West Palm Beach specifically; it is now home to nearly 1.5 million residents and approximately 54,000 businesses.

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Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer

Global Macroeconomic Projections to 2030

Which Technologies Will Offset Today’s Geopolitical Tensions and Environmental Challenges? As we navigate the remainder of 2024, the global economy stands at a critical juncture, shaped by a complex interplay of geopolitical tensions, technological advancements, and environmental challenges. 

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Avestix Avestix

The Seven Best Books on Alternative Investing

Alternative investments are those assets that fall outside of traditional categories such as stocks and bonds. For many seasoned investors, alternative investments — real estate, venture capital, private equity, hedge funds, cryptocurrencies, and others — offer a way to bring additional diversification to a portfolio because the investments generally have low correlations to more conventional assets.

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Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder

Despite the Promises of AI, Gender Bias Remains a Problem

Predict generative artificial intelligence (AI) has “the potential to generate value equivalent to $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion in global corporate profits annually.”

It’s no secret that AI is growing exponentially and is poised to transform nearly every industry in the world, but it’s important to acknowledge that AI modeling is far from perfect. The reason: Like all of us, the people who do AI modeling are imperfect.

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Susan Lindeque Susan Lindeque

The Avestix Approach to Integrated Investing

Some investors employ an integrated strategy as they build their portfolios. Learn how Avestix constructs its integrated investing plan as we seek to help accredited investors succeed.

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Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder

Impact investing - What Does it Mean?

The goal behind all investing is to generate positive returns, but “impact investing” carries a coequal goal: creating a positive societal impact.

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Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer

The Rush to Control Quantum Computing’s ‘Seismic Shift’

According to recent headlines, government officials and scientists in the U.S., U.K., and the E.U. are now putting their efforts to cultivate quantum computing into overdrive on the news that scientists in China have made important developments in quantum computing.

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Ruan Lindeque | Chief Investment Officer Ruan Lindeque | Chief Investment Officer

Industries Benefitting from Increased U.S. Import Tariffs

As global import tariffs increase drastically, several key industries and companies may be positioned to benefit. This shift towards protectionist policies may impact various sectors differently, with some potentially flourishing under new trade barriers while others encounter significant challenges.

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Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder Susan Lindeque | CEO & Founder

The Avestix Venture Capital Fund: Gain Access to Companies Deploying Some of Today’s Most Cutting-Edge Technologies

Innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, financial technology (fintech), blockchain technology, quantum computing, and the “Internet of Things” (IoT) are reshaping how manufacturing, healthcare, energy, supply chain management, and other key industries do business.

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Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer Ash Aly | Chief Technical Officer

The CrowdStrike-Microsoft Outage: What Went Wrong?

Last week, an IT outage of historic proportions disrupted millions of Microsoft Windows devices, leading to digital mayhem around the globe as frustrated users found themselves staring helplessly at the infamous Blue Screen of Death.

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