Welcome to The Vanguard of Investment Intelligence

Welcome to the forefront of investment intelligence, where your growth is our mission. With Avestix Intell, be prepared to lead the market, equipped with insights that matter.


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We offer portfolio managers a tool for selecting stocks and help reduce corporate management expenses.

With Avestix Intell, clients receive comprehensive services for a flat yearly fee, ensuring cost-effective and efficient investment management.

NextGen AI-Powered Fundamental Analysis

Better Predictions to Deploy Capital

Avestix is pioneering the future of global equity analysis through a revolutionary blend of advanced technologies and deep fundamental insights. By harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence, Quantitative Analysis, and state-of-the-art projection models, we uncover unparalleled opportunities with precision and foresight. Our cutting-edge algorithms decode trends and signals, providing investors with unmatched strategic advantage.

At Avestix, we are committed to sustainable growth and technological progress. By leveraging our expertise in AI, Quantitative Analysis, and projection modeling, we navigate the complexities of the digital era with confidence. Our diverse portfolio thrives on innovation, ensuring robust returns and enriching the human-digital connection in the communities we serve.

Harness the Power of Precision Investing

Discover the gold standard in stock analysis with Avestix Intell. Gain exclusive access to meticulously curated datasets offering deep insights into the S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, Russell 2000, Global Equities, and more. Our data isn't just comprehensive—it's certified by top-tier accountants and chartered accountants to ensure unmatched accuracy.

We believe in the power of informed investment decisions. Let us guide you to the best investment opportunities where value meets potential.

To schedule a personalized demonstration of our platform, please get in touch with us.

Chosen by Most Investors


Chosen by Most Investors >

Premium Bundle
Every year

Bundle Together All: the US Equity Indices, Global Equity Indices, and Digital Assets. Limited time offer.

✓ US Indices (SP500, Nasdaq100, Russel 2000)
✓ Global Indices (Equities, Industrials, Mining Companies)
✓ Digital Assets

*Global Indices exclude China and Russia

Join the Future of Investing

US Equity Indices
Every year

Perfect Curated Dataset including: S&P500, Nasdaq100, Russel2000. A new standard in market analytics with unparalleled insights.

✓ Exclusive Content
✓ Fair Value Validated by CPA’s
✓ Buy Signals
✓ Commentary and Recommendations
✓ Downloadable Data
Global Indices
Every year

Perfect Curated Dataset including Global Equities, Global Industrials, and Global Mining Companies. A trusted foundation for investment decisions.

✓ Exclusive Content
✓ Fair Value Validated by CPA’s
✓ Buy signals
✓ Commentary and Recommendations
✓ Downloadable Data

*Global Indices exclude China and Russia

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About Our Chief Investment Officer

Ruan is the Global Head – Chief Investment Officer responsible for overseeing all portfolios of listed and unlisted debt and equities on global markets, including equities, alternative assets and crypto.

Ruan has a Bachelor of Commerce Degree in Business with extensive experience in investing and portfolio management with a special interest in global macroeconomics, geopolitics, the future, monetary systems, global finance, currencies, and financial markets.

His motto is to exceed client investment expectations, which is the true measurement of success.